PAYMENT ONLINE IS AVAILABLE – Pay for your SIE membership here
This method will authorise automatic payments from your selected account every 12 months.
If you prefer to pay year by year or do not have Paypal we recommend doing the Bank Transfer Method.
Being a member of the Società Isole Eolie allows you to:
Support the club and keep the Aeolian culture alive
Get a FREE BBQ lunch at our Mercato: Festa Eoliana day in November
Attend our Annual General Meetings and Elections
Get a 20% discount for hall hire of Eolian Hall
(A minimum of 2 years membership is required)
As a not for profit society, we rely on the generosity of our members and the community to keep our club alive. We encourage you to be part of the longstanding history of the Società Isole Eolie (SIE)– one of the oldest running Italian social clubs in Australia, by coming along to our vast variety of events we host every year.
Digital Newsletter- Via Email
Click HERE to join our Mailing List for e-mail updates to your email address.
(FREE– No Membership required)
Membership Cost:
The cost of membership is $30.00 per person per 12 months
You can become a member at any time of the year in which membership will expire 12 months from the date you paid for membership.
Payment can be made by:
Click HERE to pay for your membership online and for automatic payments to occur every 12 months. Membership options are for singles or for couples.
Bank Transfer:
Bank: National Australia Bank (NAB)
Account Name: Societa Isole Eolie
BSB: 083269
Account: 515 506 799
Reference: “NAME & SURNAME”
Please provide the reference number of the online transaction when sending through the membership form or emailing us.
In Person:
At any of our monthly meetings (First Tuesday of the Month) or at one of our events.
For New Members: (For those who do not wish to apply for their membership online)
To become a member of the Societa Isole Eolie Melbourne, please send us an email via the contact us page or download the membership form below and either scan and send it to us or hand it to John Barno at one of our events.
Please Note: Before membership is granted, the committee will first have to approve any individual’s new membership application before it is accepted. A full refund will be returned in an event that membership is not accepted.
For Existing Members:
Please provide payment for another year of membership by a bank transfer at one of our events or online HERE.
If you would like to become a sponsor or advertise your business, please go to our Sponsorship page here for more information.