2022 - 8th Aeolian Genealogy Webinar
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Webinar Program
Topic: Preserving the Past for the Future
Oral history: Recording your family memories for future generations.
Presenter: Janetta Ziino (Keynote Address)
Learn more about Janetta
After many years of teaching – originally as a Primary School Teacher, then an Italian Language Teacher, Janetta returned to university as a mature student upon receiving a scholarship to study an Advanced Diploma in Interpreting at RMIT in 2015.
Janetta is now a practising Certified Interpreter for the Italian community as well as working for the
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).
A member of the Regional Advisory Council for the Victorian Multicultural Commission,
Janetta is immersed in the Italian community of Melbourne and is the Director of Events for the Società Isole Eolie of Melbourne.

Janetta Ziino
Topic: Aeolian Surnames: A Linguistic and Historical Perspective
A closer look at the surnames of the Aeolian Islands as to their origin and how they might have changed over time.
Presenter: Joe Russo (Keynote Panellist)
Learn more about Joe
Joe Russo was born in Geelong to parents of Aeolian ancestry from Lipari and Salina. Joe has been researching his own ancestry and the genealogy of the Aeolian Islands, in particular, for over two decades. What started off as a hobby grew into a greater appreciation of the islands’ history, culture and especially its rich and often complex genealogical past.
After having created his first website on the subject back in the 1990s when the internet was still relatively unknown, now includes social media and an evolving new website and blog. Joe travels to the Aeolian Islands frequently.

Joe Russo
Topic: The First Early Aeolian Migrants to America and Australia
What motivated them and what factors differentiated them from their Sicilian cousins? Discover the historical circumstances that forged the identities of the first Aeolian migrants that went on to establish flourishing communities in America and Australia.
Presenter: Cristina Neri
Learn more about Cristina
Cristina Neri was born in the country Victorian town of Horsham. Both her mother and father migrated to Australia from the Aeolian island of Salina soon after the Second World War.
Cristina’s father owned a succession of cafés and established the district’s first reception centre and bistro, the La Fontana. Cristina grew up in these kitchens as well as at the feet of her Nonna, thus igniting an appreciation for her Aeolian heritage and its food.
Cristina is a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer and author. Her favourite subject is her family and Aeolian heritage. She has recently written and illustrated her first children’s picture book titled For Love which is set on the island of Salina.
In 2013, she initiated the Eoliano Heritage Study Program to reunite descendants like herself with their cultural past and on 2016, curated the exhibition titled From Volcanoes We Sailed which featured at the Immigration Museum of Victoria. Cristina also wrote and produced the documentary Ammunini to celebrate the 90th year anniversary of the Società Isole Eolie.
It is Cristina’s hope that she can honour the Aeolian people, their journeys, cultural traditions and foods by her contributions as a committee member of the Società Isole Eolie.

Cristina Neri
Topic: Hostility Against Italians During WW2 & the Service of Aeolian-Italians in the Australian Defence Force
The ‘alien’ Italian community in Australia had to endure a rocky road during WW2. While many Aeolians were in detention camps and their fruit shops forced to close, a number had family members serving in the Australian Army. This talk discusses these confronting times, including the local hostility against Italians that had already built up before the War began.
As the only regional-Italian club in Melbourne at the time, how did the SIE survive and regroup at the end of hostilities?
Presenter: John Barnao
Learn more about John
John Barnao was born in Carlton to parents who migrated from Stromboli. As a first child, he learned the Aeolian dialect. His father Vincenzo first came to Australia in 1927 as a 13-year-old and worked as a typical fruiterer all his life. John studied Economics and Commerce at the University of Melbourne and Arts at Monash.
He then went on to pursue a career in Banking, Accountancy, and Tax. He is a member of various local historical societies and in recent years has been collecting photos and stories of Melbourne’s Aeolian fruit shops.
A few years ago, he wrote a paper for the Italian Historical Society detailing the root causes of Aeolian migration and the significance of the Società’ Isole Eolie in directing the decision of many to come to Australia. He is presently our SIE Treasurer.

John Barnao
Topic: Using Online Sites to do Your Family Tree Research
Discover how Ancestry.com, Family Search.org, Genealogy Bank, USA Census Records, Ellis Island and Find a Grave can all complement your Family Tree research
Presenter: Robert Mandile
Learn more about Robert
Robert Mandile was born in Melbourne. He has completed a Teaching Diploma, and an Arts Degree at LaTrobe University, ‘majoring in History, a Theology Degree, and a Graduate Diploma in Religious Education. Robert has taught at seven schools, teaching Years 6 to Year 12, and also holding various positions of responsibility spanning 43 years. He is semi-retired, but undertaking emergency teaching and also a Tertiary Supervisor with the Australian Catholic University.
Growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, he spent much time with his family, meeting with relatives and attending various Aeolian events organised by the SIE.
He has always had a love of history and after eight years of research published a book in 2010 of family trees and personal stories entitled ‘From the Aeolian Islands to Melbourne and Sydney’.
A total of 205 copies were first published, and 40 copies of a second edition were printed several years later.

Robert Mandile
Topic: Reading the 1960s Stati D’Anime (Status of Souls) Family Cards
Learn how to read the Stato D’Anime (Status of Souls) Family Cards created by the church and how they can help you with vital facts that you may be missing for those alive during the 1960s.
Presenter: Michael Angelini
Learn more about Michael
Michael Angelini is the grandson of Aeolian born grandparents on his mother’s side, who came from Lipari and Salina. Since 2005 at the age of 15 he has been researching his ancestry and since 2007 has been helping others find their own ancestors.
Michael has created many online indexes from the birth, marriage and death records on the islands relating to the years 1820-1910. He is an active committee member and Assistant Director of Events at the SIE. He aims that his research and data collection will help other descendants from the Aeolian Islands go back further in their ancestry.

Michael Angelini
Aeolian Islands Birth, Death and Marriage Records
1746-1767 & 1776-1799 Church Baptism Records
1820-1860 Civil Records
1866-1910 Civil Records
Other useful links
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