Eolie Melbourne

Home of the Società Isole Eolie Melbourne

Bob Dimattina & Antonio Bongiorno Acland St St Kilda c.1920s

Aeolian Fruiterers

It is right to say that the Aeolian Immigrants had an affinity with the fruit and vegetable industry in Australia.

The agricultural knowledge that Aeolian migrants possessed obviously played a major role in the choice of occupation once in Australia.  Fruit and vegetables were things that Aeolians knew much about.  A small fruit and vegetable business seemed a desirable occupation which, while demanding hard work and long hours, provided a good livelihood and much-wanted independence for the newly-arrived migrants.

This trend of entering into the vegetable retailing industry set by the earliest Aeolian migrants was followed by most of the later arrivals, who were mostly sponsored by well-established Aeolians. These newcomers, who worked and trained under their ‘paesani’ or older relatives, were able to perceive the various benefits of owning one’s own fruit shop business, and so many went on to open up one of their own.  Thus they propagated and eventually dominated the fruit and vegetable retailing industry.

However, during the 1980s, the various supermarket chains squeezed out many fruiterers from their suburban strip shopping centres, and today most of the formidable Aeolian fruiterers who set up their own businesses in the 1950s and 1960s have gone into retirement.

Some Aeolian names synonymous with Melbourne’s Fruit & Vegetable industry include Pino Narduzzo, Tesoriero & Luca Bros., Marino Casamento, the Biviano and Scaffidi Brothers, Attilio Peluso, Tullio Scaffidi, the Tarantos, Mario Russo and the Rando family, Bob Natoli, Bob & Lyn Giuliano, Cincotta, Costa, Giuseppe Mandile and family, the De Luca and Mecca families plus F. Dimattina & Co. which still operates today after 80 years, as Dimattina Provedoring, and many more.

There is no doubt that Aeolians have contributed to the Australian community with their efforts and sense of achievement in establishing themselves in a new country where everything seemed so different from the islands where they hailed from.

Auburn Sydney Russo Galletta
Russo & Galletta Auburn, Sydney c.1930
Bob Dimattina & Antonio Bongiorno Acland St St Kilda c.1920s
Bob Dimattina & Antonio Bongiorno Acland St St Kilda c.1920s
Gaetano Russo Fruit Shop
Gaetano Russo Fruit Shop

Please Note: Information about the below fruit shops has been supplied by family members. If there should be any corrections, please contact us at the form below.

  • 202 Oxford St,Woollahra Sydney

    202 Oxford St,Woollahra Sydney

    202 Oxford St., Woollahra. Sydney
    Gaetano (Thomas) Taranto and Giovannini (Jack) Taranto

    The building was on the corner of Nelson and Oxford Sts Woollahra. It was bought in 1937 by a brewery and the Nelson Hotel was built on the site.
  • 187 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe

    187 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe

    Salvatore & Carmela Frizza
    Approx. 1941-1949/50
    Salvatore & Carmela first operated a fruit shop a few doors up from No. 187 Upper Heidelberg Rd and were present around 1940.

    They moved to No.187 Upper Heidelberg Rd in about 1941. It was quickly developed as a typical Aeolian fruit shop, expanding into drinks. Both Salvatore and Carmela fitted in well with local clientele and had an excellent command of the language.
    Grandson, Tony Frizza has memories of serving in the shop when he was only 7-8 years of age.
  • 122 Hampton St, Hampton

    122 Hampton St, Hampton

    Salvatore Rando purchased shop
  • 42 Murphy St, Wangaratta

    42 Murphy St, Wangaratta

    Salvatore Rando managed his brother-in-law Mick (Domenico) Russo’s fruit shop, for 12 months.
  • 201 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    201 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    Giacomo Rando
    Before 1905
  • 233 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern - The Embassy Fruit Palace

    233 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern - The Embassy Fruit Palace

    Salvatore Rando, with wife Italia Russo, daughters Nina and Carolina and son Giacomo (John).
    Circa 1930s-1987
    Salvatore Rando purchased the fruit shop from his brother-in-law Tom (Gaetano) Russo (possibly mid 1930s). It was occupied by the family or leased until Italia's death in 1987.

    In 1941 the Embassy Fruit Palace won ‘Best Fruit Shop and Window Dressing Competition by the Apple and Pear Marketing Board (The Argus 15 July 1941)
  • 217 Carlisle St Balaclava

    217 Carlisle St Balaclava

    Giacomo Rando
    1928 - till retirement c.1931
  • 199 Carlisle St Balaclava (East St. Kilda) Rando G. & Co. Fruiterers

    199 Carlisle St Balaclava (East St. Kilda) Rando G. & Co. Fruiterers

    Giacomo Rando
  • 121 Nicholson St, Footscray

    121 Nicholson St, Footscray

    A. Lopes Family
    The Lopes family also had Stores at 10 Hall Street Newport and 266 Hampshire Rd Sunshine [Morton Arcade -1955 Lopes, F. - Fruiter]
  • 13 Glass St, Essendon

    13 Glass St, Essendon

    Giuseppe and Maria Lopes
    Originally from Alicudi and Salina, Giuseppe Lopes ran this fruit shop with the help of their eight children. Possibly called "Quality Fruits" Unfortunately the existing strip of shops were demolished in 2016.
  • 70 Poath Rd, Hughesdale

    70 Poath Rd, Hughesdale

    Amelia (nee Materazzo) and Tony Marchese
    1955 - 1971 (Approximately)
    Amelia and Tony were both originally from Malfa, Salina. Tony arrived in 1949, and Amelia followed in 1952 with daughter, Emma. Tony would drive his truck to Queen Victoria market at 2am everyday, as this was the wholesale fruit and vegetable market at the time.
    Their two children (Emma and Tony) worked in the shop as well. Fifty percent of the orders were by telephone, and delivered by bike to the customers home. Amelia's brother John Materazzo ran the fruit shop on Bridport St, Albert Park.
  • 190 Swan St, Richmond

    190 Swan St, Richmond

    Angelo Natoli and Anna Giulia Natoli
    Approximately 1932 to 1946
    Angelo Natoli born in Lipari on 12 March 1912 opened his first business at 190 Swan Street Richmond. He married Anna Giulia Peluso in 1941 and remained at that address until 1946.
    They then purchased a property incorporating an ongoing fruit shop business at 126 Hopkins Street Footscray where they conducted the business and resided until 1955 when Angelo retired and sold his business to Vincenzo Favorito who was also born in Lipari and who conducted the business until the early 1980's .
  • Canberra St, Randwick, NSW

    Canberra St, Randwick, NSW

    Antonio Virgona
    Photo: circa 1936, Antonio behind the counter with 4 of his 5 children. Giuseppe on the left age about 13 with his siblings Santa (Sary), Benito and Angelo.
  • 125-127 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe

    125-127 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe

    Cuono & Grazia Biviano, Dominic Biviano, Frank Biviano, Josie Biviano, Nancy Biviano, Cuono jnr Biviano.
    Cuono & Grazia were both born in Pianoconte, Lipari. They arrived in Melbourne in 1954.
  • Lakemba / Greenacre, NSW

    Lakemba / Greenacre, NSW

    Giovanni ‘John’ Dante Palisi
    Circa 1950s- circa 1960s
    Giovanni Palisi was born in Santa Marina, Salina, and ran his fruit shop in Sydney’s South West 1950s - 1960s. Daughter, Marina Palisi is pictured bottom right of the photo.
  • 484 Bridge Rd, Richmond

    484 Bridge Rd, Richmond

    Angelo Felipe Peluso (Son of Giovanna and Giuseppe Peluso from Lipari)
    Dates to be confirmed Circa 1950s- circa 1970
  • 57 Sydney Rd, Brunswick

    57 Sydney Rd, Brunswick

    Bobby( Bartolomeo also Robert John Taranto 1939 to 1998) and Maria Taranto (nee Rocca)
    Bob Taranto was know as the fruitologist. Literally born premature in a fruit shop when the weight of carrying the bar of the shop shutters induced an early labour at 479 Sydney Rd Coburg.
    His parents Rafeale Taranto and Nancy (nee Lopes) were there since the mid 1920s to the late 1950s when the government forcibly acquired the property to house the Coburg post office. After that they moved to 57 Sydney Rd Brunswick.
    In late 1966 Bobby married and soon after took over the family business.
    Relocated to 479 Sydney Rd Brunswick until Dec 24 1997.
  • 226 Johnston St, Abbotsford - The Abbotsford Excelsior

    226 Johnston St, Abbotsford - The Abbotsford Excelsior

    Antonino & Tilda Ziino
    1924-1946 Circa
    In photo: Antonino Ziino (27 Sept 1893 - 15 May 1976) Marianna (Mary) - daughter (15 Aug 1920 - 12 Apr 1986) Francesco (Frank) - son (14 Jul 1924 - 6Sept 1988) Domenico (Nin) - son (22 Oct 1927) - still living.
  • 187 Union Rd, Ascot Vale

    187 Union Rd, Ascot Vale

    Giovanni and Nunziata Martello
    1950's to 1970's
    Giovanni would wake up early to go to the Victoria Market to get his supplies for the day.
    The photo depicts Nunziata and Giovanni Martello and their little daughter Angelina Martello-Di Benedetto at 6 years of age.
    It was taken in 1955 in their fruit shop located at 187 Union Rd, Ascot Vale.
    The Martello family originate from Vulcano & Lipari, Giovanni arriving in Australia, via Fremantle in 1938.
  • Waverley Rd, Malvern East

    Waverley Rd, Malvern East

    Tom Mollica
  • 237 High St, Northcote

    237 High St, Northcote

    M. Casamento
  • 20 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern

    20 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern

    Giovanni Alaimo
  • 162 Spir Rd, Mosman, NSW

    162 Spir Rd, Mosman, NSW

    Giovanni Favaloro & Son Giuseppe Favaloro
    1934 to 1976
    In 1944 Giovanni's son, Giuseppe Favaloro took over and ran the fruitshop until 1976.
  • 366A Military Rd, Cremorne, NSW

    366A Military Rd, Cremorne, NSW

    Giovanni (Jack) & Angela Favaloro
    1953 to 1972
    Giovanni Favaloro also run a fruit shop at 162 Spir Rd Mosman NSW from circa 1934 to 1944 when his son Giuseppe Favaloro took it over and ran it until 1976.
  • 457 Elizabeth St, West Melbourne

    457 Elizabeth St, West Melbourne

    Giuseppe Cara
    1914 – 1925

    From 1903-1904 Giuseppe and Harry Carra were selling fruit and flowers from barrows on Princes Bridge.
    In 1927 Guiseppe moved to 115 Swan Street Richmond and became a Wine Merchant.
  • 87 Chapel St, Windsor

    87 Chapel St, Windsor

    Francesca Biviano
    Years Currently Unknown
  • 51 Chapel St, Windsor

    51 Chapel St, Windsor

    Joe and Rosina Cincotta
    1950s and 1960s
  • 95 High St Westgarth

    95 High St Westgarth

  • 59 High St, Westgarth

    59 High St, Westgarth

    G. Mollica
    1926 to 1936
  • 693 High St, Thornbury

    693 High St, Thornbury

    Cincotta Brothers
    1926 to 1933
  • 399 Chapel St, South Yarra

    399 Chapel St, South Yarra

    Giuseppe & Maria Lagreca & son Bob La Greca
    1910 to 1954
  • Wimmera Café Stawell

    Wimmera Café Stawell

    Charie Strangio & Vincenzo Pinzone
  • Main St, Stawell

    Main St, Stawell

    Charlie Strangio & Vincenzo Pinzoner
    Abt 1917
  • 115 Swan St, Richmond

    115 Swan St, Richmond

    Giuseppe Cara

    Between 1903- 1904 Giuseppe and Harry Carra were selling fruit and flowers from barrows on Princes Bridge.

    In 1927 Guiseppe moved to 115 Swan st Richmond and became a Wine Merchant. His father Gaetano also established a business in Melbourne.

    His brother Felix Carra was a fruiterer in Horsham before moving to Melbourne to become a wine merchant. His brothers Lorenzo and Harry were publicans and wine merchants.
  • 244 Broadway Reservoir

    244 Broadway Reservoir

    Felice and Leonilda Natoli
    1960s to 1970
  • 31 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    31 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    Giuseppe and Maria Villanti
    1936 to 1956
  • 608 Main St, Mordialloc

    608 Main St, Mordialloc

    Giacomo and Edna Jean Martello
    1929 till 1953

    Giacomo would drive his fruit truck to Vic Market several times a week and put long hours in without a break.
  • 6 Puckle St, Moonee Ponds

    6 Puckle St, Moonee Ponds

    Frank and Rosalia Mollica
    1934 to 1958
  • 301 Waverley Rd, Malvern East

    301 Waverley Rd, Malvern East

    Vince and Melba Portelli
    1950s to mid 1960s
  • 22 Armstrong St, Middle Park

    22 Armstrong St, Middle Park

    Tony and Mary Mandile
    1949 to 1961
  • 267 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    267 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    Bartolo and Bartolina Palamara
  • 300 Station St, Fairfield North

    300 Station St, Fairfield North

    Bartolo and Giuseppina Natoli
    1958 to 1977
  • 149 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick

    149 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick

    Antonio & Angelina Casamento and Frank Casamento
  • Silverdale Rd, Eaglemont

    Silverdale Rd, Eaglemont

    Frank and Popi Natoli
    1960s to 1970s
  • 128 Johnston St, Collingwood

    128 Johnston St, Collingwood

    Frank and Maria Cincotta
    1934 to 1936
  • 454 Sydney Rd, Coburg

    454 Sydney Rd, Coburg

    Angelo and Nunziata Ferlazzo
    1920s until unknown
  • 276 Queens Pde, Clifton Hill

    276 Queens Pde, Clifton Hill

    Bartolo Ferlazzo and managed by Marino Casamento (Former President of the Societa) and Giuseppe Casamento.
    Circa 1930-1935
    They were there until around 1935 when Marino Casamento bought his own business at 237 High Street Northcote and Giuseppe Casamento bought a business with Francesco Mollica at 6 Puckle Street Moonee Ponds.
    The premises was bought and sold over the years to many other Aeolian families like Natoli, Villanti, and Muleta.
    It is still a fruit shop known as Fruits on Parade.
  • 356 Queens Pde, Clifton Hill

    356 Queens Pde, Clifton Hill

    Antonio and Giuseppina Casamento 1919 until 1925 Bartolo Ferlazzo 1925-1940
    Unfortunately in 1924 Antonio died from Peritonitis at aged 49 and Giuseppina died from a stroke in 1925. After this time the business was being managed by Bartolo Ferlazzo on behalf of Antonio and Giuseppina's son, Antonio jnr and daughter Nancy who were 17 and 11 years respectively. They sold it to Bartolo Ferlazzo who was there until about 1940.
    In the photograph are Bartolo Ferlazzo and Francesco Mollica who were working there. The children are daughter and son of Bartolo and his wife Santa. They are Caterina (later known as Rene Mollica a member of the Aeolian Club) and her brother Antonio.
    The premises was bought and sold a few times by members of the extended family until the 1960's with the surnames of Casamento and Mollica.
  • 587 Sydney Rd, Brunswick

    587 Sydney Rd, Brunswick

    Angelo & Caterina Russo
    1920 to 1940

    Angelo Russo at the age of 9 sold flowers at the corner of Flinders & Swanston Streets. At 18 years old, he operated the fruit stall in the laneway behind Young and Jackson then later in 1920 purchased a shop at 587 Sydney Rd Brunswick Angelo Russo's grandson Peter Russo Solicitors operates at 150 Sydney Rd Brunswick today.
  • 616 Hampton St, East Brighton

    616 Hampton St, East Brighton

    Tony and Rosa Devola
    1950 to 1990

    Son Anthony took over the business
  • 194 Bridport St, Albert Park

    194 Bridport St, Albert Park

    Giovanni (John) Materazzo & Beryl (Fraser)
    1935-1953 <br In 1925 when John first arrived in Australia at the age of 14 he worked at the Victoria Market. From 1935 to 1953, (for 18 Years) John and his wife Beryl owned a Fruit Shop at 194 Bridport Street Albert Park.
  • 781 Hampton St, Brighton

    781 Hampton St, Brighton

    Bartolo and Bartolina Palamara
    1948 to 1960
  • 356 Bay St, North Brighton

    356 Bay St, North Brighton

    Frank and Maria Cincotta
    1937 to 1957
  • 970 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill

    970 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill

    Giuseppe (Joe) Russo & Josephine Russo

    Workers/Boarders -Micheal Palma, Antonio Castellano, Bob Castellano, John Taranto

    In 1959 Joe & his brother Giovanni Russo (Jack) opened another fruit shop in the new Box Hill arcade. They continued to trade here till 1967. Josephine Russo (Jack’s wife) also worked here along with other part-time female staff.
  • 601 Station St, Box Hill

    601 Station St, Box Hill

    Antonio Ferlazzo

    Antonio Ferlazzo had three fruit shops. He then married Felicia Natoli and they rented a fruit shop in New Market, then Mont Albert. In the early 1950's they purchased a fruit shop.
  • 250 Carlisle St, Balaclava - Tesoriero & Luca Brothers

    250 Carlisle St, Balaclava - Tesoriero & Luca Brothers

    Michele De Luca & Giuseppe Luca
    1915- 2015

    The original fruit shop was established in 1915. Vincenzo & Caterina Tesoriero's business would operate in the heart of Carlisle Street Balaclava for 70 years.
    Due to Vincenzo's poor health, his children and their husbands would take over and the business was renamed TESORIERO & LUCA BROS.

    Nearly all the grandchildren worked there at some stage and a number of Aeolians worked with the family. Three generations of family members ran the business until it was sold on February 15th, 2015.
  • 905 Sturt St, Ballarat

    905 Sturt St, Ballarat

    Antonino Casamento & Giuseppina Palmisano then Angelo Palmisano and Maria Famularo
    1910-1918, 1919-1960
    Opposite the Ballarat Base Hospital.

    Originally Giuseppina Palmisano and her husband Antonino Casamento owned the fruiterer business from 1910 to 1918.

    In 1914 Angelo Palmisano (Giuseppina’s brother) and Maria Famularo moved from Colac to help them run the business.

    In 1919 Angelo Palmisano and Maria Famularo purchased the business from Giuseppina and Antonio Casamento after they moved to the fruiterer shop at 356 Queens Parade, Clifton Hills.

    In 1960 the 905 Sturt Street fruiterer shop was sold to R. Ritchie, along with all the other shops in the complex, which was then demolished for his supermarket.

    Information given my Lyn (Palmer [Palmisano]) Sands. (Granddaughter of Angelo Palmisano)

    Image- 1938. The Palmisano Family outside the 905 Sturt St fruiterer shop. L-R: Rosina, Grandmother (Maria Palmisano), Mary, and Angelo (my dad). Absent: Kate and Tony. Grandfather Angelo Palmisano left his family in 1933.
  • 102 Bridge St, Ballarat

    102 Bridge St, Ballarat

    Frank and Jack Re
    1940s -1970s

  • 129 Dundas Place, Albert Park

    129 Dundas Place, Albert Park

    Giuseppe and Elvira Palamara

    Established the first Milk Bar with Italian deli and mixed business.
  • 99 Dundas Place, Albert Park

    99 Dundas Place, Albert Park

    Giuseppe and Elvira Palamara
  • 95 The Avenue, Albert Park

    95 The Avenue, Albert Park

    Giuseppe (Jack) Mandile
    1937 to 1962
  • Barkley St, Ararat - Bon Ton Café then Town Hall Cafe

    Barkley St, Ararat - Bon Ton Café then Town Hall Cafe

    Joe & Tom Pinzone
  • Barkley St, Ararat - Plaza Café then Pinzone Bros Cafe

    Barkley St, Ararat - Plaza Café then Pinzone Bros Cafe

    Vincenzo Pinzone
  • 352 Flinders St, Melbourne

    352 Flinders St, Melbourne

    Giuseppe and Harry Carra
    1903- 1904

    They were selling fruit and flowers from barrows on Princes Bridge.
  • 597 High St, Northcote

    597 High St, Northcote

    G. Lo Piccolo
    1926 to 1950
  • 495 High St, Northcote

    495 High St, Northcote

    Phil and Lina LoRicco
    1950s and 1960s
  • 263 High St, Northcote

    263 High St, Northcote

    Bartolo and Giuseppina Natoli
    1925 to 1955
  • 527 Chapel St, Prahran

    527 Chapel St, Prahran

    Giuseppe Carra
    1914 - 1925
  • 267 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    267 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

    Bartolo and Bartolina Palamara
  • 601 Station St, Box Hill

    601 Station St, Box Hill

    Antonio Ferlazzo

    Antonio Ferlazzo had three fruit shops. When he first arrived in Melbourne from Vulcano, he worked in his brother's fruit shop. He then married Felicia (nee Natoli born in Lipari) and they rented a fruit shop in New Market, then Mont Albert. In the early 1950's they purchased a fruit shop they were renting at 601 Station Street Box Hill.
  • 135 Victoria Ave, Albert Park

    135 Victoria Ave, Albert Park

    Tony & Giuseppe (Jack) Mandile

More shops will be added this year.  Please fill in the below form for us to add your family’s fruit shop here.

Contact Our Historical Archives Department

Was your family an Aeolian Fruiter in Australia? We would love to know!
Please fill out the form to help us create a list of Aeolian Fruit Shops.


1934 Members
1934 Members
Bob Dimattina & Antonio Bongiorno Acland St St Kilda c.1920s
Aeolian Fruiterers
Aeolian Genealogy Seminar
Aeolian Genealogy Seminar/Webinar
Cudduri Di Pasqua
Aeolian Recipes
Annual Keast Park Picnic
Annual Keast Park Picnic
Children's Christmas Party & Free Members BBQ
Children’s Christmas Party & Free Members BBQ
Aeolian Genealogy Seminar
Discovering My Aeolian History: Video Series
Festa di San Bartolomeo
Festa di San Bartolomeo
From Volcanoes, We Sailed
From Volcanoes We Sailed
Historical Photo Archive
Historical Photo Archive
History of Eolian Hall
History of Eolian Hall
Honour Board
Honour Board
1970 Societa Mutuo Soccorso Isole Eolie Committee Meeting
In Memoriam
Mercato: Festa Eoliana
Mercato: Festa Eoliana
Miss and Mr Isole Eolie 2019
Miss and Mr Isole Eolie
Museo Società Isole Eolie and Resource Centre
Museo Società Isole Eolie and Resource Centre
Notable Aeolian-Australians
Notable Aeolian-Australians
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